Ok so I love a mood board...ive been doing them since I was cutting out pics of Pacey and JTT out of Teen Bop magazine for my fan girl book (iykyk)
Soooo the nostalgia had me in my feels so much that I decided I am going to make this a thing for our brides as we enter into each new wedding season...
Below is a little cake trend mood board that is a still work in progress..I found some great article's and designers in Vogue and I pulled some of my favorites from their recent articles and included a few of my own...This year was and is still the year of all things you may find them here and there for a little while longer...
honestly, we can't get enough of the basic b**ness joy they bring us!

photo cred/cake inspo from
olive + Aries
deaux baker
Malibakes on instagram
various other cake artists
+my own work